Northwest Michigan Works! working with Springfield Roofing to further develop apprenticeship program – 9&10 News


TRAVERSE CITY — Springfield Roofing has been working with Northwest Michigan Works! for five years developing their apprenticeship program

The program is a five-level training system, one being a beginner and five a leadership level. Springfield Roofing says their partnership with Michigan Works! started because they felt roofing was underrepresented as an apprenticeship program.

“It’s really helped our existing employees with goal-setting in giving them something besides financial motivation. Everybody wants to have success. Everybody would like some recognition for their work, especially when they’re getting results, to have something tangible that they can point to and look at and say, ‘Yeah, I mastered this and I got to the next level,’” said Nick Jacqman, Springfield Roofing CEO.

Because of the resources provided by Northwest Michigan Works! and the efficiency gained from the program, Springfield was able to increase wages for their apprentices in the last year.