Immigrant Entrepreneurs Open Zoom Drain Franchise, Redefining Plumbing Service with a Community Focus


Salomon and Scialpi, two entrepreneurs with rich backgrounds in construction management and law, respectively, recently inaugurated a new Zoom Drain franchise, marking a significant step towards redefining the plumbing service industry. Their journey from immigration to entrepreneurship highlights a unique blend of professional expertise and a commitment to community service. The duo aims to leverage their diverse experiences to enhance customer satisfaction and address the skilled trades gap in their locality.

From Immigrants to Entrepreneurs: A Tale of Determination

Both Salomon and Scialpi share an immigrant background, having moved to the United States during their childhood. Salomon was born in country and migrated at the age of 17, while Scialpi moved from another country with his family at a young age and has since lived in various states. Their personal journeys have deeply influenced their values, driving them to give back to the community that supported their aspirations. With degrees from prestigious institutions and significant professional experience, they see their new venture as a means to contribute positively to their community.

Choosing Zoom Drain: Commitment to Quality and Community

The decision to open a Zoom Drain franchise was driven by the brand’s strong reputation and the couple’s desire to fulfill the critical need for skilled plumbing services in their area. Salomon and Scialpi were impressed by Zoom Drain’s focus on reliability and customer service, aligning with their vision of contributing to the community’s well-being. Zoom Drain’s commitment to providing 24/7 service without additional charges for off-hours further exemplified the values that Salomon and Scialpi wished to embody in their business.

Impact on Local Community and Industry

By bringing Zoom Drain to their community, Salomon and Scialpi aim to not only offer top-notch plumbing services but also to address the broader issue of the shortage of skilled tradespeople. Their business model focuses on building good rapport with employees and creating a positive experience for customers, which they believe will contribute to the overall growth and sustainability of the local economy. As they move forward, their story serves as an inspiring example of how immigrant entrepreneurs can impact their adopted communities positively, driving change through dedication and hard work.

As Salomon and Scialpi embark on this new chapter, their venture into the plumbing industry through Zoom Drain represents more than just a business endeavor; it is a testament to their journey, values, and vision for a community-oriented service. Their story is a powerful reminder of the impact that dedicated individuals can have on their community, providing essential services while fostering a culture of care and excellence.