How to Care for New or Established Pecan Trees


October 21, 2023


caring for trees

DFW tree care experts

established trees




In this informative video, the focus is on the art of pruning pecan trees. ISA Certified Arborist James Allen begins by stressing the importance of setting clear objectives before embarking on any tree-pruning endeavor. Whether it’s maintaining the tree’s health, ensuring its safety, or simply nurturing its overall well-being, the objectives are diverse and crucial. The discussion then delves into the specific approach required for pecan trees, acknowledging the natural genetic tendencies that lead to extended limbs bearing the weight of pecans. To counteract potential issues stemming from these tendencies, the video suggests a strategic pruning technique. By carefully reducing the weight on overextended branches, the stress at the point of connection to the tree can be minimized, ultimately mitigating the risk of branch failure. This video offers valuable insights into the delicate balance between nurturing pecan tree growth and safeguarding its structural integrity, making it a must-watch for both arborists and tree enthusiasts alike.

Watch More From This Series

Discover more reasons why working with an arborist can safeguard the future of your trees!

The Life of a Pecan Tree: How Long Will Yours Last?

The Ultimate Guide for Healthy Pecan Tree Care

Pecan Trees and Zinc : What You Need to Know

Are you looking for a sustainable Dallas-Fort Worth tree care company that prioritizes the health and longevity of your North Texas trees and landscapes?

Look no further than TreeNewal, your trusted partner in tree care.

Our team of ISA Certified Arborists is dedicated to providing comprehensive tree services that ensure the vitality of your trees. From maintaining and reviving newly planted and established trees to diagnosing and treating tree diseases, fungi, and pests, we have you covered.

We specialize in proper tree diagnosis and offer tailored maintenance and treatment plans to keep your trees thriving. Our experts apply top-quality fertilizer and soil conditioning products to enhance tree health from the roots up.

At TreeNewal, we understand that many trees suffer from improper planting practices. That’s why we offer specialized techniques such as air spading, root collar excavation, and vertical mulching to improve the longevity of your trees. Our goal is to create sustainable landscapes that stand the test of time.

We also provide tree surveys and mitigation services to assist homeowners, developers, and commercial clients in meeting local city tree preservation requirements. With our expertise, you can ensure compliance while preserving the natural beauty of your surroundings.

Call TreeNewal today to schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable team. Let us be your partners in preserving the beauty and longevity of your beloved trees.

Contact TreeNewal now and experience exceptional tree care services!