Common Diseases for Cypress Trees and How We Treat Them


October 30, 2023

cypress tree

DFW tree care experts

ISA certified arborist

tree disease




Join us as we delve into the world of canker diseases affecting cypress trees. In this informative video, we explore the specific challenges faced by Leyland and Italian cypress trees, shedding light on the causes, symptoms, and best practices for prevention.

Our expert discusses how drought stress plays a significant role in the development of seiridium canker in Leyland cypresses. Discover why increasing watering during drought periods is crucial for maintaining the health and beauty of these water-loving trees. Conversely, Italian cypresses, native to arid regions, require well-drained soil and minimal watering to avoid the onset of cankers.

We also uncover the impact of environmental factors such as freezing temperatures and wet soils on the susceptibility of cypress trees to canker diseases. Learn how these factors can create stress and provide an entry point for pathogens, leading to the rapid decline of these majestic trees.

Furthermore, our expert explores the challenges faced in managing canker diseases and the limitations of chemical control methods. Discover the importance of prevention through proper irrigation practices and promoting fibrous root development to enhance drought tolerance and overall tree health.

If you’re considering alternatives to Leyland cypresses for screening purposes, we introduce the resilient and visually appealing Arizona cypress. Learn why this species is a suitable choice for withstanding Texas summers and reducing the risk of canker diseases.

Whether you’re a homeowner, landscaper, or tree enthusiast, understanding canker diseases in cypress trees is crucial for preserving the beauty and longevity of these iconic species. Watch this video to gain insights into effective prevention strategies and discover alternative tree options that thrive in your region.

Don’t let canker diseases take a toll on your beloved cypress trees. Watch now and empower yourself with knowledge to protect and enhance your landscape.

Discover more reasons why working with an arborist can safeguard the future of your trees!

Arizona Cypress

The Top 10 Native Trees of Dallas: Enhancing Your Landscape While Supporting Local Ecology

Are you looking for a sustainable Dallas-Fort Worth tree care company that prioritizes the health and longevity of your North Texas trees and landscapes? Look no further than TreeNewal, your trusted partner in tree care.

Our team of ISA Certified Arborists is dedicated to providing comprehensive tree services that ensure the vitality of your trees. From maintaining and reviving newly planted and established trees to diagnosing and treating tree diseases, fungi, and pests, we have you covered.

We specialize in proper tree diagnosis and offer tailored maintenance and treatment plans to keep your trees thriving. Our experts apply top-quality fertilizer and soil conditioning products to enhance tree health from the roots up.

At TreeNewal, we understand that many trees suffer from improper planting practices. That’s why we offer specialized techniques such as air spading, root collar excavation, and vertical mulching to improve the longevity of your trees. Our goal is to create sustainable landscapes that stand the test of time.

We also provide tree surveys and mitigation services to assist homeowners, developers, and commercial clients in meeting local city tree preservation requirements. With our expertise, you can ensure compliance while preserving the natural beauty of your surroundings.

Call TreeNewal today to schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable team. Let us be your partners in preserving the beauty and longevity of your beloved trees.

Contact TreeNewal now and experience exceptional tree care services!