Roofing Insurance Claims: Do’s and Dont’s


During severe weather, roof damage can be a major problem for homeowners. Fortunately, most home insurance policies cover repairs or replacements for damage caused by specific events, such as a storm, hailstorm, or falling trees. Filing a roof damage insurance claim may seem overwhelming, but taking the right steps and avoiding mistakes can increase the likelihood of a successful claim and a hassle-free experience.

This article outlines the necessary precautions and steps homeowners should follow when dealing with roof insurance claims.


Document the damage immediately

As soon as you notice roof damage, whether it’s from a storm or other reason, start documenting the condition. Take clear photos and videos of the affected areas from different angles. These visual records serve as crucial evidence when filing an insurance claim and showing the extent of the damage.

Make temporary repairs

To prevent further damage to your home, you may need to make temporary repairs while you wait for the insurance claim process to complete. Cover any exposed areas with Plans or plastic to prevent water ingress. However, be sure to keep receipts and records of any temporary repairs, as your insurer may be able to reimburse these costs if they are covered by your policy.

Contact your insurance company immediately

Once you determine the roof damage, contact your insurance company or agent to begin the claim process. Most policies have specific time limits within which you must report the damage. So don’t hesitate. Give them a detailed description of the damage, backed up with the photos and videos you took earlier.

Understand your policies

Before making a claim, it is important that you do a thorough review of your insurance policy to understand which damages are covered and which are not. You should also review deductibles, coverage limits, and exclusions that may affect your situation. This allows you to set realistic expectations and avoid unexpected setbacks during the entitlement process.

Hire a reputable roofer

When it’s time to assess the damage and make repairs, choose a reputable roofer with experience handling insurance claims. A competent contractor can accurately assess the damage, provide an estimate that matches your insurance adjuster’s assessment, and help you make the process smoother.

Roofer Insurance Claims: Do's and Don'ts


Don’t hesitate to submit the claim

One of the biggest mistakes homeowners make is waiting too long to file their insurance claims. Many policies have strict time limits for making claims after the incident. Failure to meet these deadlines may result in your claim being denied. Act promptly to ensure your claim is processed in a timely manner.

Avoid permanent repairs before approval

While temporary repairs are necessary to prevent further damage, avoid permanent repairs until your insurance claim is approved. Your insurer may not reimburse you for unauthorized repairs or replacements. So, be sure to wait for approval before proceeding.

Don’t assume all damage is covered

Every insurance policy is different and not all types of roof damage are covered. Don’t assume that your insurance will automatically cover all repair costs. Always consult your policy and check with your insurance company if you are unsure about certain aspects of coverage.

Avoid accepting the first offer without negotiation

It’s important to carefully review any initial comparison quotes from insurance adjusters to ensure they adequately cover any necessary repairs. If the offer is not enough for you, do not hesitate to negotiate with your insurer to ensure a fair solution.

Don’t be too quick to sign off on a full and final release

If your insurance company offers a settlement, they may also ask you to sign a full and final release. This document releases you from any future liability related to the claim. Carefully inspect all repairs and ensure they have been properly performed before signing the release. Once you have signed it, you cannot claim again.

Filing a claim for roofing insurance may seem overwhelming at first, but following these do’s and don’ts will ensure you navigate the process successfully. Documenting the damage, understanding your policy, and hiring a reputable roofing company are important steps to success. Avoid common pitfalls like delays, unauthorized repairs, and accepting insufficient payments.

Remember that your insurance company is here for you during this challenging time. With proper preparation and following the process, you can ensure a smoother and more successful roofing process Insurance claim experience.