IRE Post Show -The Start of the Roofing Season


Every year at the International Roofing Expo (IRE) – one of the largest roofing trade shows in the world – professionals from the residential and commercial sectors gather to meet suppliers, discover new products, network with the global industry and improve their business processes ! This year’s March show was held at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. But what exactly were the highlights of this year’s event, and why are industry leaders calling it a ‘must see’ show?

In this Fortis podcast, hosted by Michelle Dawn Mooney, two guests, Dave Schupmann, COO, and Michael Boyer, Marketing Manager, both from Fortis, share their insights and opinions on their expectations, experiences of attending the event and their most important insights.

“It is the largest trade fair in the industry. It used to be the NRCA (National Roofing Contractors Association) and it’s really grown into much more than that… It’s the show to be at if you’re a manufacturer or contractor; You see new things on the market, hear new things about technology… The right place for roofing,” explained Schupmann.

“It’s a huge show that’s definitely well attended – tons of exhibitors and visitors… I’m relatively new to the industry so it’s been great to soak it all up and really see how the roofing community and the industry really interact experience,” Boyer added.

Mooney, Schupmann and Boyer also discussed:

  • Fortis involvement in IIBEC and why it is important for Fortis to participate.
  • Fortis’ unique offering and position at a show like IRE, despite not being a contractor or manufacturer.
  • The start of the roofing season and what’s coming up this year.

“It’s a unique year because the IIBEC was in Houston and it was right before the IRE show in Dallas… We want to respect the industry. Our work is carried out by contractors. We work on the roofs of these manufacturers. We can only say positive things about these systems. We really believe in them and the engineering that goes into the installations and that is really the backbone of why we are able to offer the umbrella programs that we offer. IIBEC was well attended this year… It has a different audience than the IRE show, but yes, to be seen and to be able to support both shows is very important for Fortis,” said Schupmann.

Fortis is in a category of its own. Not a manufacturer or even considered a ‘roofer’, Fortis always makes sure to be present at major events like these. The opportunity to meet clients in person and share the latest industry ideas and innovations helps Fortis continually deliver unparalleled value to building and portfolio owners around the world.