Richland School District still cleaning up after water damage | Local News


JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Richland School District Superintendent Arnold Nadonley briefed the board at Monday’s meeting on water damage restoration work at the high school.

“We surpassed $356,000 in damages last week,” he said. “It’s starting to slow down, but probably $430,000 when all is said and done.”

A water line at the high school ruptured December 25 after days of cold temperatures, causing water to rush from the second floor to the first and lower floors. This caused extensive damage to everything from furniture and ceiling tiles to floors and electrical systems.

Nadonley commended the district’s maintenance staff for getting the building operational before classes began Jan. 3.

“It’s amazing what they’ve done,” he said.

The insurance claims process went relatively smoothly, Nadonley said, and the restoration work is almost complete.

Ray McCombie, chief executive officer, asked how extensively the damage was investigated and whether the insurance will cover other issues later.

“Some things take a while to surface,” he said.

Nadonley said the claim is open for a year and certain areas will be monitored, such as the first floor flooring, which is beginning to peel off due to the water leak.

In other businesses, the board approved the purchase of two open display display racks and one freezer from TriMark at a cost of $62,113. This happened through the Sourcewell contract.

School principals also passed a motion to allow Beauty Lawn’s spring, late summer and fall lawn application services at a cost of $11,484.76.

That’s a 2.5% increase from last year, according to the Agenda, but the savings Richland has made by stopping the use of mulch around the high school will make up that difference.

Joshua Byers is a reporter for The Tribune-Democrat. He can be reached at 814-532-5054. Follow him on Twitter @Journo_Josh.