770 Water Damage & Restoration: redefining the water restoration industry in LA against all odds


Photo courtesy of 770 Water Damage and Remediation

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Los Angeles: a city of dreams and unrelenting competition. Standing out from the crowd in this bustling metropolis is a challenge only the brave dare. Amidst the noise, a pioneer, 770 Water Damage & Restoration, has made a name for itself and risen to the forefront of the water restoration industry. The impressive rise from a humble startup to a leader in its field is inspiring. This is the story of not just a company, but a beacon of hope and perseverance that has successfully navigated LA’s crowded marketplace to redefine industry norms. 770 Water Damage & Restoration proves you can shine in even the busiest of landscapes.

The story of 770 Water Damage & Restoration begins with an unexpected disaster. It was 2015 when a home suffered significant water damage, a devastating event that nonetheless lit a spark in Yakir Levi, the future founder of 770. Intrigued by the restoration process, Levi sought industry certification, fueling a newfound passion. That spark of inspiration gave birth to 770 Water Damage & Restoration in November 2018.

Photo courtesy of 770 Water Damage and Remediation

The burgeoning company found fertile ground in the complex landscape of Los Angeles, and Levi’s determination fueled its growth. In an amazingly short span of three years, the company grew twenty-fold. From its humble beginnings, 770 Water Damage & Restoration has grown into a giant in its field, known for its reliability and quality service. Today, it ranks among LA’s most respected water and damage restoration companies, a testament to Levi’s visionary approach and unwavering courage.

A key part of 770 Water Damage & Restoration’s winning formula is its unique approach, a testament to the diverse experiences of its founder. Expertise from diverse fields including nightlife, cosmetics and real estate was used to create innovations and challenge industry norms. Obstacles have been recast as opportunities to redefine the status quo.

770 Water Damage & Restoration is characterized not only by its entrepreneurial edge, but also by its strong core values. The company prides itself on its social responsibility and integrates ex-prisoners and survivors of abuse into the workforce. This ethos, which reflects Levi’s own commitment to social welfare, adds an extra layer of caring to the mission.

The spirit of the company also extends to philanthropy, with notable donations to cancer charities. 770 Water Damage & Restoration’s reputation for superior service has been bolstered by handling prestigious projects including the most expensive water restoration ever completed on LA’s most expensive property. Regardless of the scale of the project, 770 Water Damage & Restoration’s commitment to restoration and community service remains unwavering.

Photo courtesy of 770 Water Damage and Remediation

The fascinating journey of 770 Water Damage & Restoration is now being documented for a reality show in Israel, illustrating the company’s impact far beyond the corporate world. As a symbol of resilience and triumph, 770 stands as an emblem of vision and success.

Today, 770 Water Damage & Restoration is more than just a premier LA operation; It is a beacon of hope and inspiration. Through a relentless pursuit of excellence, the company has redefined the water damage and restoration industry. Whether you’re gazing at the LA skyline or strolling the bustling city streets, the impact of 770 Water Damage & Restoration – restoring homes and lives with unprecedented dedication – cannot be overlooked. This company has started a wave of change in the Los Angeles water treatment industry.

