Tree Service Experts Santa Ana Rescues Furry Friends from Lofty Perches



Released April 24, 2023

Santa Ana, California – Tree Service Experts Santa Ana, a leading provider of comprehensive tree care services in the area, is proud to announce the expansion of its tree rescue services. Led by CEO Streeter Lucio, the company is committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of local wildlife and the trees that support them.

Tree Service Experts Santa Ana, recognizing the importance of a quick response in such situations, is now offering 24-hour animal rescue services to the community of Santa Ana. Their team of experienced and certified arborists are specially trained to carry out delicate rescue operations with the utmost care and ensure that animals and trees are respected.

“Our team of experienced arborists is passionate about preserving Santa Ana’s natural beauty and providing exceptional tree care services,” said CEO Streeter Lucio. “We recognized the need for a professional and reliable service to rescue animals in distress and are proud to fill this gap.”

In addition to their arborist expertise, Tree Service Experts Santa Ana arborists have specialized training in animal handling and rescue techniques. This ensures the company’s team is well equipped to deal with a variety of situations, from rescuing cats stuck in tall trees to helping injured birds and other wildlife.

“We understand that every rescue operation is unique and requires a tailored approach,” explained Lucio. “Our arborists are trained to carefully assess each situation and determine the best course of action to ensure the safety of the animal and minimize potential damage to the tree.”

Read this story to learn more about Tree Service Santa Ana’s recent project: -pampering-experience-for -trees.

Tree Service Experts Santa Ana’s commitment to animal rescue extends their commitment to environmental protection and community involvement. The company is known for its wide range of tree care services, including pruning, removal, tree stump removal, planting and emergency tree care. By adding animal rescue services to its repertoire, Tree Service Experts Santa Ana further solidifies its position as a leader in the arboriculture industry.

“Our team is driven by a deep love and respect for nature and we believe it is our responsibility to help preserve and protect the environment for future generations,” said Lucio. “By providing animal rescue services, we help our furry friends in need and ensure the continued health and welfare of our community’s trees.”

Tree Service Experts Santa Ana is also committed to educating the public about the importance of proper tree care and its role in maintaining a healthy urban ecosystem. For this reason, the company often works with local organizations to host educational workshops and community events to promote tree health and environmental awareness.

“Trees provide myriad benefits to our community, from improving air quality to protecting wildlife,” noted Lucio. “By educating the public about proper tree care practices and the importance of preserving our natural resources, we hope to inspire a greater appreciation for the environment and encourage more people to take an active role in protecting it.”

As Tree Service Experts Santa Ana continues to expand its range of services, the company remains true to its core values ​​of exceptional service, professionalism and environmental protection. With a strong foundation in the Santa Ana community and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Tree Service Experts Santa Ana is poised to become the industry leader in tree care and animal rescue for years to come.

For more information on Tree Service Experts Santa Ana, please visit the company’s offices at 1217 E Wakeham Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705. Alternatively, you can contact the company at +1 657-332-0999 [email protected].


For more information on Tree Service Experts Santa Ana contact the company at:

Tree Service Experts Santa Ana
Streeter Lucio
[email protected]
1217 E Wakeham Ave
Santa Ana, CA, 92705

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