Tree Removal Near Sala Street, Rotorua


More than 100 trees will soon be removed from the Puarenga River Conservation Area near Sala Road to reduce the risk of tree falls.

The removal project, due to start in July, is a joint effort between the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, Rotorua Lakes Council and Scion, who each own land from which the trees are to be removed.

This was triggered by the increase in tree felling and tree dumping in the area, which regularly leads to disruption and damage to property and infrastructure.

Kerry Smith, Rivers and Drainage Areas Engineer for the Bay of Plenty Regional Council, says increasing weather events and storms are increasing the risk of tree falls and proactive action is needed.

“We’ve had a very busy year in this area with trees falling. One particularly large accident crashed down Sala Street in February, falling onto power lines, over the sidewalk and crashing into a nearby home. In addition, trees and tree remains regularly fell into the creek, which could occasionally lead to flooding.

“It has become a safety concern for the community, but also a costly one as the ongoing cleanup has an impact on taxpayers.”

In February, during inclement weather, a large rubber tree fell across Sala Street, blocking the road and path between the trees and hitting power lines and nearby properties.

Rotorua Lakes Council assessed the trees to determine which posed the greatest risk based on their size, proximity to other trees and/or age.

Rick Todd, Scion’s operations manager, says many of the trees being removed are exotic gum species (commonly known as “gum”), which can easily topple over in high winds.

“Rubber trees are not deep-rooted trees, so once they reach a certain size, they can become top-heavy. High risk and potential risk trees are identified for removal to ensure the area is safe for many years to come.

“Some of these trees are significant because they were once planted for scientific monitoring. If we determine that a tree is the only species of its kind in the area, we will attempt to capture its seed for conservation.”

The removal of these exotic trees provides an exciting replanting opportunity and expands upon the native planting work previously undertaken.

“Our goal is to see a resilient and thriving forest around the Puarenga River that brings health and well-being to our community, ecosystems and the environment,” says Mr. Todd.

Work is scheduled to begin on Monday 3 July (weather permitting) and last approximately four weeks. During this time, there may be minor disruption to passers-by in the area.

While no trees will be cut down on Sala Street, there will be road closures at times as a precaution. Traffic management will be in place and diversions will be clearly signposted.

The path through the trees may also be temporarily closed and will be signposted. When the walkway is open, pedestrians and cyclists are advised to use caution when traversing the area as heavy machinery may be operating nearby.

The project team is asking everyone traveling through or near the area to plan their trip in advance.

If people want to find an alternative cycling or walking route they should visit the Rotorua Lakes Council website:

If the public has any questions or concerns please contact the Bay of Plenty Regional Council on 0800 884 880 or Rotorua Lakes Council on 07 348 4199.

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