Tree expert rescues Alton Police tactical drone


Aaron Hodge of the Riverbend Tree Service in Godfrey is shown recovering a tactical drone for the Alton Police Department.

Aaron Hodges

ALTON – Add “drone rescue” to the list of services offered by Aaron Hodge of Riverbend Tree Service in Godfrey.

When an Alton Police Department tactical drone got stuck in a tree this month, they turned to Hodge for help. Hodge has a long-term contract to help with tree maintenance at Alton City Cemetery.

“The Alton Police Department called me first of all other tree services,” he said. “They called early and we rushed to their rescue.”

Hodge said he offered the drone rescue service as a free service for the city. He shared a letter from Alton Police Chief Jarrett Ford stating his department “did everything possible to recover the drone.” We value you and your partnership with the community.”

On the Riverbend Tree Service’s Google Business page, Joel Bromaghim of the Alton Police Department wrote that the service responded immediately… “and not only quickly got an expensive device back for us, but also donated their time and services.”