Herbicide Damage on Elm Trees: TreeNewal’s Tips for Spotting It


Witness the visible effects of herbicide damage to elm trees as TreeNewal’s ISA-certified arborist Wes Rivers sheds light on the issue. In this insightful video, Wes shows trees with contrasting appearances – one side blooming with leaves while the other side remains stunted. He explains that the damage was likely due to herbicide spraying near the root zone of the trees, particularly on the side facing the row of stones along the curb.

Little did people who applied the herbicide know that it was a soil-mobile variant, which caused the trees to absorb it and suffered more damage on the affected side. However, Wes assures viewers that this issue is preventable and that TreeNewal is ready to offer help to anyone facing this issue.

Don’t let herbicide damage compromise the health of your trees. Get expert advice and solutions from TreeNewal. Visit their website or contact their team to solve this problem effectively. Watch the video now to gain insight and take proactive steps to protect your trees from herbicide damage. Trust TreeNewal’s expertise in maintaining the health and vitality of your beloved trees.

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Interested in Dallas Tree Care Services? Contact a TreeNewal ISA-Certified Arborist today.

Are you looking for a sustainable tree care business in Dallas-Fort Worth that prioritizes the health and longevity of your North Texas trees and landscape? Then look no further than TreeNewal, your trusted tree care partner.

Our team of ISA-certified arborists is dedicated to providing comprehensive tree services that ensure the vitality of your trees. From caring for and reviving newly planted and established trees to diagnosing and treating tree diseases, fungi and pests, you’ve come to the right place.

We specialize in proper tree diagnosis and offer tailored maintenance and treatment plans to keep your trees thriving. Our experts use high-quality fertilizers and soil amendment products to improve tree health from the root.

At TreeNewal, we know that many trees suffer from improper planting practices. That’s why we offer special techniques like air spading, root collar excavation and vertical mulching to improve the longevity of your trees. Our goal is to create sustainable landscapes that stand the test of time.

We also offer tree survey and damage mitigation services to assist homeowners, developers and commercial clients in meeting local city tree protection requirements. With our expertise, you can ensure compliance while preserving the natural beauty of your surroundings.

Call TreeNewal today to set up a consultation with our knowledgeable team. Let us be your partner in preserving the beauty and longevity of your beloved trees.

Contact TreeNewal now and experience exceptional tree care services!

