No. 34: NexGen Restoration & Roofing LLC


2862 Ballard Oaks Road, Jacksonville | 904-802-7150

Turnover 2022: 9 million dollars

Local revenue 2022: 9 million dollars

Founding year: 2018

Tim Betros II, Tim Betros Sr., Armand Cornellier and Brandon Cornellier.

Guide: Tim Betros II, CEO; Brandon Cornellier, COO

Specialty: canopy

Full-time employees: 25

Biggest project started in 2022: Roof replacement completed on 270,000 square foot multi-family complex in 21 working days.

Portfolio projects:

• Donation of a roofing system, including labor, to a Jacksonville resident whose home was due for demolition or replacement.

• Renovation of the roof of a church in Palatka that is over 100 years old.

• Renovation of 10,000 square foot asphalt shingle roof.

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