Coryell Roofing Announces Addition to Board of Directors for Enhanced Strategic Guidance and Leadership


Coryell Roofing brings diverse expertise to its Board of Directors for strategic advice and world-class services.

Her expertise and leadership skills will be instrumental in helping us continue to provide quality roofing services to our customers.”

– Chris Coryell, CEO of Coryell Roofing

OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, UNITED STATES, May 1, 2023/ — Coryell Roofing is pleased to announce the expansion of our Board of Directors, welcoming a diverse and experienced group of individuals who provide direction, leadership and strategic direction provide for the continued success of our company.

Our board members include Chris Coryell, Co-Founder and CEO of Coryell Roofing; Theresa Coryell, co-founder and CFO of Coryell Roofing; dr Bill Denton, educator and Texas school district liaison; dr Robert Everett, former educator and Oklahoma school district liaison; Blake Cooper, education consultant from Texas; Kelly Coryell, Commercial Sales Team Leader; Keenan Young, former Director of Engineering Services and current President of Coryell Roofing; dr Richard Abernathy, retired educator and Arkansas school district contact; dr Matt Teeter, Missouri Education Advisor; and Michael Couch, Kansas Education Advisor.

The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing and directing all aspects of Coryell Roofing’s business, including sales and marketing, financial management, customer service and human resources. Each member brings unique skills, knowledge and experience to the Board to ensure we have a well-rounded group of individuals who can offer valuable insight and expertise.

Two seats were reserved alongside the existing board members, one for a Tennessee director and the other reserved for a future appointment.

“We are thrilled to have such a talented group of people on our board,” said Chris Coryell, CEO of Coryell Roofing. “Her expertise and leadership skills will be instrumental in helping us continue to provide quality roofing services to our customers.”

The expansion of the Board of Directors is a significant development for Coryell Roofing, reflecting our commitment to excellence and our continued efforts to provide the best possible service to our customers. We look forward to the guidance and leadership of our board members as we continue to grow and grow our business.

For more information about Coryell Roofing and our services, please visit our website at

Janelle Nightingale
Coryell canopy
+1 405-408-0811
email us here
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May 01, 2023, 6:27 p.m. |

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