Vandals hit Crain-Yancey Field concession stand after rewiring, plumbing had just been completed | News


The concession stand at Crain-Yancey Field had to be piped and wired twice after the break-in the day after repairs were completed, according to city officials.

On Tuesday, the Searcy City Council approved $35,000 from unallocated general fund reserves for the Parks and Recreation Sports Complex Department’s American Legion Concession Repair expense account for concession stand repairs/renovations.

At last week’s agenda meeting, Code Enforcement Director Jeff Webb said after the new rewiring and plumbing work was completed on the concession stand at the Searcy Sports Complex, someone came in and “stole all of this.”

“So it was rewired and relocated twice,” Webb said. “From what we’ve already spent on it and what’s still needed to complete it, the plumbing, the electrical, the heating and air unit, the new water heater, all that stuff, the only thing I don’t have the price for , flooring… just to finish it completely, all we spent and what it takes to finish it is $35,000.” Webb said he considered what he thought the cost of the flooring would be would.

Councilor Don Raney said, “I just can’t believe someone broke in and stole the new wiring.” Webb added, “The very next day after we were done.”

Councilor Dale Brewer suggested raising some money for security cameras.

Webb said the Searcy Police Department is working to investigate the theft and are making additional laps of the sports complex around the concession stand. “I actually walked out there yesterday in the dark and there was a police officer out there in the parking lot,” Webb said.

Searcy Mayor Mat Faulkner asked Webb when the concession stand would be completed. Webb said, “I think we can get it done in three to four weeks, probably May 1st.”

City Clerk/Treasurer Jerry Morris said the city had a $10,000 deductible on property, so reporting the theft to the insurance company would do no good. Webb said a police report had been prepared on the incident.

early last month. Workers gutted the food stand and toilet. There was reportedly a leak, “roof collapsing” and mold that needed to be cleaned up. The Searcy Equipment and Grounds Committee toured the facilities on February 23. Raney, the committee chair, said the mold was “terrible” there.

Webb found a construction team to complete the repairs at what he called a reasonable price. Searcy Parks and Recreation provided the money until the final cost was known.

Crain-Yancey Field was historically used for American Legion Baseball. Parks and Recreation Director Mike Parsons said the field batter’s eye and the wooded fence area have already been replaced.