The Most Common Causes of Water Damage in the Home


While water gives life, it can also be the force that does untold damage to your home. Running water into your walls or ceiling creates a recipe that can lead to anything from peeling paint and wood damage to complete soiling of the property.

These problems can result in costly bills Water Damage Remediation Denver Residents don’t want to pay. But by anticipating the problem and knowing the most common causes of water damage, you can protect your home.

Cause 1 – Damaged or broken pipes

Pipes are like hidden killers when it comes to water damage – the most problematic pipes are buried deep in walls, making it harder to see when the constant wear and tear they are subjected to is becoming a problem.

Luckily, there are some telltale signs that there’s a damaged water pipe somewhere in the home.

An increase in your water bill, unrelated to rising tariffs, is a common sign. Assuming you’re sure your consumption isn’t increasing month-on-month, the rising bill suggests you’re losing water through a leak.

Other visible signs are stains on walls and small cracks or bulges in the areas where the pipes are installed. There is also the weather problem: pipes that are exposed to extremely low temperatures are more likely to break. pipes exposed temperatures of 20 degrees Fahrenheit or less freezing for a longer period of time. Keep an eye on any exposed piping exposed to the temperatures and consider insulating the pipes to keep them warmer as the temperature drops.

Cause 2 – Your washing machine

A faulty washing machine can cause problems ranging from minor leaks to a massive rush of water from the rear port.

Even if you own an Energy Star-certified washing machine, you’re still using up to 14 gallons of water per load and potentially washing multiple loads a week. A leak in the inlet hose could result in gallons of water splashing onto your floor. And if the machine happens to be on the second floor, there may be damage from water dripping into walls and ceilings, as well as obvious damage to the floor.

There are ways to mitigate the potential problems that a washing machine can cause.

It’s a good idea to replace the inlet hose every five years and ensure your washing machine is never overloaded. Splitting a large load into two is better than adding extra weight to the machine, even if it takes more time.

Cause 3 – Storm

Denver is no stranger to extreme weather conditions.

The Denver Post reports that Colorado is experiencing one Average of 47 tornadoes per year. The strong winds that these weather events create can destroy pipes and other plumbing, even if the tornado doesn’t pass over your home. And it’s not uncommon for Denver to experience rapid temperature swings, as you may recall on September 7th, 2020. The city experienced a temperature rise of 62 degrees in one day, going from a balmy 93 degrees Fahrenheit to a snowy 31 degrees Fahrenheit so quickly it could make you dizzy.

These extreme temperatures often cause problems for your pipes as they increase the natural wear and tear they are subjected to. A good rule of thumb is to have someone check your plumbing immediately if temperature or weather events are outside of the norm.

Cause 4 – Defective air conditioners

Around 70% of homes in Denver have central air conditioning Understanding how your air conditioner works will help you understand why it can be a cause of water damage.

Every air conditioner has a drainage system. The indoor unit extracts moisture from the humid air and condenses it, directing the water to an overflow pan before completely removing it from the unit via a condensate line. Problems with any part of this delicate mechanism can result in water damage.

For example, the condensate line may become clogged, causing water to pool in the overflow pan until the pan itself overflows. Cracks in the line are also a problem and can lead to small leaks over time. Having your air conditioner serviced annually, ideally in mid-spring, will go a long way in catching these problems before they become larger leakage problems.

Cause 5 – Clogged drains and gutters

Every home has a complex set of drains and gutters that serve to channel waste and rainwater away from the building.

The most obvious are the drains in your bathroom and sink, which over time can become clogged with hair, grease, and other unwanted substances. The problem is that these clogs are not immediately visible. The water may continue to flow down the drain as if everything is fine, only to later encounter a clog that it must overcome. The clog increases the pressure in the pipe, causing cracks and creating leaks that will damage your home over time.

The same issues can also affect your home’s gutters, although this is often more obvious. Falling leaves can clog gutters and cause rainwater to overflow and drip off roofs and ceilings.

The solution to the gutter problem is simple: clean your gutters every few months. Additionally, you can invest in a gutter net cover. It prevents leaves and other small debris from falling into the gutter and being blown away by the wind.

For sink and bathroom drains, a drain cleaner combined with boiling water will help dissolve grease and dissolve solidified soap scum. A drain cover also prevents larger solids from slipping through and can catch hair that would otherwise go down the drain.

Vigilance prevents water damage

Aside from the problems that storms bring, wear and tear is often the leading cause of water damage in a home. Pipes break over time. AC components no longer function properly. And when combined with oversights, such as letting clogging materials infiltrate down drains, it creates a recipe for water damage.

Consistent vigilance is the solution.

Regular maintenance checks for all devices that use water, such as Things like your air conditioner and water heater make sure you anticipate small problems before they escalate. Maintaining your plumbing is a bit more involved. Before proceeding with regular inspection of exposed piping, especially after extreme weather conditions, first take measures to prevent clogging.

Finally, look out for anything unusual on the walls and ceiling. Any new crack or oddly discolored spot can indicate a behind-the-scenes water leak problem.