Questions We Get About Magnolia Trees In North Texas


September 21, 2023

Building Roots

magnolia trees

north texas trees





Join us in this informative video as we explore the world of magnolia trees and gain insights from two industry experts. Emmett Muennink, the Regional Technical Manager with ArborJet, and Wes Rivers, an ISA Certified Arborist from TreeNewal, share their observations and knowledge about magnolias.

Emmett and Wes discuss the common concerns surrounding magnolia trees, including algal leaf spots and leaf drop. They examine magnolia leaves with characteristic algal spots. They clarify that these spots are caused by algae rather than fungal leaf spots.

The experts shed light on the natural leaf drop process of magnolias. They explain that they cyclically shed older leaves to make way for new growth. They emphasize the importance of distinguishing between normal leaf drop and potential issues such as drought stress or leaf spots.

Throughout the video, stunning visuals showcase magnolia trees in different stages of growth and leaf drop, providing a visual representation of the discussed topics.

As the video concludes, Emmett and Wes highlight the disease-resistant nature of magnolia trees. They encourage viewers to investigate further if there are signs of fungal issues.

Gain valuable insights into magnolia trees and their unique characteristics by watching this engaging video featuring Emmett Muennink from ArborJet and Wes Rivers from TreeNewal. Stay informed and connected with the experts for assistance with your magnolia tree needs.

Discover more reasons why working with an arborist can safeguard the future of your trees!

Types of Magnolia Trees

Your Guide to North Texas Tree Diseases: Algal Leaf Spot on Magnolia Trees

Magnolia Scale: Why Is My Magnolia Tree Covered in White Bumps?

Are you looking for a sustainable Dallas-Fort Worth tree care company? Look no further than TreeNewal, your trusted partner in tree care.

Our team of ISA Certified Arborists is dedicated to providing comprehensive tree services that ensure the vitality of your trees. From maintaining and reviving newly planted and established trees to diagnosing and treating tree diseases, fungi, and pests, we have you covered.

We specialize in proper tree diagnosis and offer tailored maintenance and treatment plans to keep your trees thriving. Our experts apply top-quality fertilizer and soil conditioning products to enhance tree health from the roots up.

At TreeNewal, we understand that many trees suffer from improper planting practices. That’s why we offer specialized techniques such as air spading, root collar excavation, and vertical mulching to improve the longevity of your trees. Our goal is to create sustainable landscapes that stand the test of time.

We also provide tree surveys and mitigation services to assist homeowners, developers, and commercial clients in meeting local city tree preservation requirements. With our expertise, you can ensure compliance while preserving the natural beauty of your surroundings.

Call TreeNewal today to schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable team. Let us be your partners in preserving the beauty and longevity of your beloved trees.

Contact TreeNewal now and experience exceptional tree care services!