Mathias Precision Tree Service Removes At-Risk Trees in St Louis, MO


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Mathias Precision Tree Service, a tree service in the greater St. Louis, MO area, is urging homeowners to educate themselves about the dangers of endangered trees as snowy weather approaches. The company, which is now in its third decade serving O’Fallon, St. Peters, St. Charles and surrounding communities, says delaying necessary tree care increases the risk of property damage.

Why endangered trees need to be removed

Mathias Precision Tree Service describes four situations where tree felling is the wisest decision for the property owner:

A Large Branch Threatens a Home: Over the decades, a tree can grow to overhang a significant portion of a home. If a strong wind snaps the trunk, repairing the damage to the home can take months. The tree felling in an emergency protects the house and its residents.

Root Structure Damages a Foundation: Homeowners are often surprised to learn that tree roots are the cause of a leaking basement. A mature tree less than 25 feet from a house is still close enough that its roots can press down on a foundation. In this case, a tree cut does not help: The roots can only be removed by tree removal and tree stump milling.

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A Dead Tree: A dead tree, even if it is far from a structure, poses a fire hazard to the neighborhood and must be removed immediately.

An infested tree: Insects can infest any branch of a tree and pose a danger to anyone nearby. In addition, insects can jump to other nearby trees or even a house.

Following tree removal services, the company recommends tree stump removal. Stump cutting allows property owners to fill in the area with grass or plants.

Proactive tree care services

Although Mathias Precision Tree Service removes trees, the company views this action as a last resort. To keep the trees healthy, the company’s certified arborist recommends seasonal tree care. The Company’s tree services in the greater St. Louis, MO area include:

Pruning and pruning trees

To learn more about Mathias Precision Tree Service in the greater St. Louis, MO area, call 314-322-7690.

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