Managing shrub and tree diseases in the landscape | Calendar


I think many of us are pretty quick to spot when something is wrong with our perennials as they are smaller and often more accessible. But disease in trees and larger shrubs can spread, and we may not be as aware of it. For the Master Gardeners’ program in May, Cliff Ruth will present a presentation entitled ‘Management of Shrub and Tree Diseases in the Landscape’. The lecture is part of the monthly program of lectures and demonstrations that will interest master gardeners, hobby gardeners and the general public.

Ruth will discuss some of the many pathogens that infest our landscape shrubs and other trees. Most of these are related to poor site selection, but some of them are related to introduced pathogens that have entered our area from plants brought into the area from other locations. This presentation will discuss some of the newer and more common pathogens we encounter in our landscapes. These include two of the boxwood diseases: boxwood blight and boxwood dieback; a common disease of Prunus (cherries) called Shot Hole Disease; and dogwood anthracnose. Depending on the time left at the end of the presentation, there may be time to discuss individual topics.

Ruth is Field Faculty Emeritus at North Carolina State University, where he spent 25 years as an Area Extension Agent developing and delivering certification programs for green industry professionals in the Asheville, North Carolina area. He holds a BS from Mars Hill University and an M.Ag in Horticulture from NC State University. His expertise includes integrated pest management; rain garden and rainwater management; and plant identification and use. He currently serves as an Adjunct Instructor at Blue Ridge Community College. He also does private consulting for commercial landscape companies.

The presentation will take place on Tuesday, May 16 from 10-11 am in the conference room of the Community Services Building at 106 E. Morgan St., Brevard. The public is welcome to attend and there is no charge. For more information, call (828) 884-3109 with questions. Janet Lute is a master gardener.