Los Angeles HVAC Company Expands To Solar Panel & Roofing Services


HVAC Contractor in Los Angeles, CA

Solar panel installation company in Los Angeles, CA

Solar panel installation company in Los Angeles, CA

HVAC Company of Los Angeles, CA

HVAC Company of Los Angeles, CA

A Los Angeles HVAC company announces a massive expansion of its brand. Opens Lions Home Upgrade, a solar panel and roofing company, and Lions Air Duct Services

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, May 5, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Lions Heating & Air, a Los Angeles HVAC company, announces a major expansion of its services and brand. Lions Heating & Air opens Lions Home Upgrade, a solar panel and roofing company, and Lions Air Duct Services, an air duct cleaning company under the Lions Heating & Air brand. The addition of the two companies paves the way for energy efficiency in homes in Los Angeles.

Creating a Cleaner California with Solar Panels
California is making great efforts in energy efficiency and renewable energy. Lions Home Upgrade focuses on green energy and provides solar panel and solar battery storage installation services in Los Angeles.

The need for solar panels arises from a national demand for renewable energy. Solar panel installation has increased 32% each year nationwide since 2005. Lions Home Upgrade now has a team of licensed solar panel technicians to meet solar panel demand in Los Angeles.

Southern California is known for 24/7 sunny weather. Now homeowners are using the sun to power their homes with clean, renewable energy.
Aside from green energy, California is also making efforts to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution. This is where the founding of Lions Air Duct Services began.

Clean, fresh and clear air quality with Air Duct Services
Los Angeles is consistently ranked as one of the world’s worst air quality and air pollution cities. To prevent outdoor air pollution from affecting indoor air quality, Lions Air Duct Services offers air duct cleaning, asbestos and fiberglass removal in air ducts, dryer vent cleaning and everything related to air quality.

To prevent dust, dirt and toxins from affecting respiratory health, Lions Air Duct Services exclusively offers air cleaning system installation.
An air purification system is a system that removes harmful pollutants and pollutants from indoor air.
It works by drawing air through a series of filters that trap particles such as dust, allergens, germs and bacteria. The clean air is then released back into the room.

Keeping California Cool with HVAC Services
In addition to solar panel and air duct services, Lions Heating & Air offers its HVAC services in Los Angeles.
The provision of HVAC services helps California in its efforts to reduce energy consumption. Over time, old components and deposits can wear down any heating and cooling system, affecting performance.
Poor performance will only put undue stress on the HVAC unit and increase energy consumption. More energy consumption always leads to higher energy bills!
However, all of this can be prevented with regular HVAC maintenance.

Our commitment to energy efficiency
Lions Heating and Air Conditioning is a leading provider of heating, ventilation, solar panel installation and air conditioning solutions in Los Angeles. The company has earned a strong reputation for its commitment to energy efficiency, which shows in every aspect of its operations.

From installation to maintenance, Lions HVAC strives to ensure its customers receive the most efficient, cost-effective systems.

The expansion of Lions Home Upgrade & Lions Air Duct Services demonstrates the company’s commitment to energy efficiency for homes and businesses in Los Angeles.

Joseph Yehoshua
Lions heating & air
+1 866-430-3950
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May 05, 2023, 2:00 p.m

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