‘King of Roofing’, Musa Kitumi shakes up the construction industry with trending styles


In an exclusive interview with YouTuber Nicholas Kioko, Musa revealed that he started his construction journey back in 2016, offering to help and learning a few tricks along the way.

He modestly explained that he does not attribute his skills to learning from others, but rather sees them as a natural gift given to him.

Musa announced that he had completed his education up to the third grade, stressing that his academic career went no further.

Although he did not pursue higher education at a university, Musa confidently stated that the unique roof designs he creates are entirely his own ideas.

Musa is regularly present on the construction sites during the construction of the houses and is thus actively involved throughout the entire process.

Recounting a specific incident, he recounted an anecdote in which he made the bold decision to order a roof to be completely demolished because he had a more brilliant idea.

According to Musa, the original roof construction drew a lot of criticism and was perceived as unsightly.

However, he took it upon himself to change the narrative and implement his innovative approach.

As a result, people began to appreciate and admire the change that followed the initial setback.

Musa was confident in his abilities and proudly stated that he carries out his work with precision. Although he used ordinary nails, he emphasized the difficulty of discerning their use and demonstrated his meticulous craftsmanship.

Furthermore, when Musa was called to a roofing project, he claimed that he disregarded the original plan and relied solely on his unique techniques to achieve exceptional results.

