Viral ‘Online challenge’ Ends With Man Blocking His Entire Apartment Building’s Plumbing System



  • The 9-minute clip shows the man filling his bathtub with water before adding the bullets. When he returns to the bathroom after a while, he notices that the balls have soaked up all the water.
  • The bigger problem was that the balls had slipped down the drain and traveled to the main plumbing.
  • Eventually, the absorbing bullets started shooting out of all the other sockets in its place. His toilet, his sink was full of balls. His neighbors also faced the same problem.

If you’re looking for some quick competitions and challenges, there’s no better place than the internet.

From ice buckets, chubby bunnies, and mannequins to Harlem Shake, internet challenges have been around for a very long time.

However, they have also evolved into many dangerous trends over the years that have resulted in either serious injury or loss of life.

But for all the warnings and advice on controversial challenges, new stunts are popping up almost weekly on platforms like TikTok.

While failed challenges can bring netizens an instant laugh, they can cause a great deal of embarrassment for the person performing them.

Recently, a Frenchman took on an online viral challenge by filling his bathtub with colorful absorbent balls.

Suction balls are toys that expand in water and can grow many times their normal size.

You probably have an idea where this is going now.

As part of the challenge, the man ran his bathtub by dropping the absorbent balls into the water. However, it all turned into a major disaster when the toys eventually blocked the entire apartment building’s plumbing system.

Watch video:

The 9-minute clip shows the man filling his bathtub with water before adding the bullets. When he returns to the bathroom after a while, he notices that the balls have soaked up all the water.

The bigger problem was that the balls had slipped down the drain and traveled to the main plumbing.

Eventually, the absorbing bullets began shooting out of all the other sockets in its place. His toilet, his sink was full of balls. His neighbors also faced the same problem.

The clip continues to show the exterior sewer line swamped with the absorbent balls.