Dulle, Hamilton Towers getting new elevators, plumbing, appliances


Photo by Julie Smith/News Tribune: The Jefferson City Housing Authority has spent more than a year modernizing and improving the Dulle Hamilton Towers. Improvements include new kitchen cabinets as shown here, a new stove, new smoke detectors and upgraded lighting to name a few.

The Dulle-Hamilton Towers are getting new elevators and plumbing systems.

The original systems have remained in place since the towers were built in the 1970s.

Jefferson City’s Housing Authority is in the process of replacing the elevators in the Dulle Tower at 10 Jackson St., while the Hamilton Tower at 12 Jackson St. is having its entire plumbing system replaced with new sinks, tubs, toilets, and other appliances, Michelle said Wessler, executive director of the Housing Authority.

“When I say all-new pipelines, I literally mean any pipelines that go up to the main well system,” she said.


Druckzeile: Towers are massively modernized. Works at Dulle, Hamilton include new elevators, plumbing and appliances

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