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The US financial system may not always be foolproof, but large trading firms usually get by without a hitch.

So imagine the surprise from FT Alphaville when we saw this message sent to the liquidity providers New York office on Jane Street where the physical lines are causing the chaos:

Please read: Rules of conduct in the bathroom

bcc: NY full-time, NY interns

Because someone flushed something other than toilet paper down the toilet, another sewage leak has occurred in the toilet [redacted] Floor that had to be cleaned and repaired and had to shut down a significant part of the floor. This is the third time this has happened in about a week. This isn’t just a stinky mess; it is extremely annoying. So I’ll reinforce something [name redacted] said last week after the second incident: DO NOT FLUSH. . .

. . . you get the picture

We have learned that the “sewage leak” is occurring on the same floor as Jane Street’s traders are located, however the operations of the business have not been affected. The significance of the decision to send the notice to the company’s summer interns in New York was not immediately clear.

A Jane Street representative declined to comment.