Local roofing company shares about metal roofs and severe weather


Advanced Roofing & Construction, LLC shares how metal roofs tend to handle severe weather.

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama — Alabama has its fair share of severe weather and can severely affect people’s rooftops and entire homes.

Recent photos of storm damage have viewers wondering, “Do metal roofs protect against destruction better than others?”

According to Advanced Roofing & Construction, LLC, there is a lot involved and can depend on how metal roofing is installed and what type of materials are used.

Brandon Foote, President of Advanced Roofing & Construction, LLC, says when severe weather hits Huntsville, they will “… [storm damage roof repair] Calls from anything from a branch on a roof, half a slope, a few missing shingles, water seeping into their home, homeowners just frantic.”

The recent inclement weather in northern Alabama raised a question from a viewer after seeing this photo of a tree that had fallen onto a metal roof:

Do Metal Roofs Protect Homes Better Than Traditional Asphalt Shingles?

The answer is “usually”, it just depends on the material and the way it was installed.

“Metal generally handles storm damage better than a shingle roof. It’s thicker metal that can be bolted in more places…it usually withstands hail better, wind better…and generally lasts longer. It doesn’t decompose as much. It’s renewable, it’s recyclable,” Foote said.

And because this type of roofing can last 60 years or more, requires fewer repairs, and can withstand strong winds of up to 140 miles per hour, one of the biggest disadvantages of metal roofing is cost, Foote says.

“Some roofs take three times longer to install or require more specialized work, some metal roofs what you have to think about versus a shingle roof is the cost of repair down the line. Not that many people do it. Not that many people have the expertise to fix it,” Foote said.

The type of damage that metal roofs can suffer is more long-term: “If you get dents and indentations on the inside of a metal roof, you can damage the surface. You can create a pond area where water can hold and not drain as quickly. “

And if not installed properly, it probably won’t give you any more wind protection than a regular clapboard.

“So just being educated is the best thing to do. That way, you can make the right decision,” Foote said.

He also says that many homeowners’ associations tend to shy away from metal roofing because of its industrial look, although stone faced metal shingles are beginning to be approved by some HOAs.

Foote and his team encourage homeowners dealing with roofing to find a company who can educate you about the process and assess your unique situation to help point you in the best direction.

