National Plumbing Code of Canada



The National Plumbing Code of Canada (NPC) 2020 comes into effect on April 1, 2023 and applies throughout the province of Alberta. There are no Alberta-specific technical deviations or changes to NPC 2020.

Alberta, like all Canadian provinces and territories, is responsible for safety regulations. The Alberta Government worked closely with industry, community associations and technical experts across the province to determine if Alberta needed to change anything from the release of the 2020 NPC. The government also works with Alberta’s Safety Codes Council to review proposed safety codes and standards for adoption, and receives input and advice from the council to ensure the codes are appropriate for Alberta.

Alberta’s regulations allow for “timely adoption of laws,” whereby national or international legislative changes come into effect for one year after their publication. This provides predictability so that industry, municipalities and other sectors (e.g. education institutions) can plan and prepare for new code changes with confidence.

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